
AyuMind treats clients who are candidates for Ketamine at our office and also via tele health. Our staff includes medical providers who evaluate each medical intake and prescribes either Ketamine lozenges or an intramuscular dose.

Ketamine offers relief to the nearly 20 million Americans who suffer from a form of major depressive disorder (MDD) each year including anxiety, trauma, and addiction. An estimated two-thirds experience severe symptoms which deeply disrupts their personal lives, relationships, and job performance.

Ketamine is a NMDA (N-Methyl-D-Aspartate) receptor antagonist. The NMDA receptor allows for the transfer of electrical signals between neurons in the brain and spinal cord. For electrical signals to pass, the NMDA receptor must be open. Ketamine blocks the channel by binding within it.

This action leads to a temporary silencing of the Default Mode Network (DMN). The DMN is a network in the brain associated with rumination. Rumination is what locks the mind into rehashing trauma, constantly rehashing the painful stories over and over adding additional suffering to the original source. Unconscious negative mental habits – often a result of trauma – run our lives until we become aware of them and work to rewire our brains to find a new story.

Ketamine quiets the DMN and therefore rumination is released for a period lasting between 30-90 minutes. During this quiet state, other aspects of being are available that are usually not accessible due to the busyness of the normal mind. The experience is different for everyone, and different each time that one experiences the effects of ketamine but most clients report that hope and spiritual connection become illuminated to be deeply felt, metabolized, and integrated giving clients relief from limiting beliefs and trauma. Individuals often experience a more expanded sense of self and purpose which can then be deeply incorporated into daily life through integration work. In addition to quieting the DMN, Ketamine enhances BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) which is like fertilizer for dendritic sprouting – causing healthier neural pathways to form in the brain that are translated into healthier daily habits.

Research supports Ketamine’s efficacy in creating positive outcomes for clients suffering from treatment resistant depression (TRD), PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain, and addictions. The dose varies for individual situations, from six to eight sessions over 3-4 weeks in two-hour sessions (in office) or perhaps one to two sessions per month via lozenge ketamine at home or in the office. The response rate with treatment resistant depression tends to be 60-70% (reference) over the short-term. Longer term studies are lacking at this time due to Ketamine’s novelty as a treatment for depression however many clinical studies are underway at this time.

A KAP session lasts 3-4 hours, consisting of: 1.) The participant and therapist discussing goals, intentions & concerns 2.) The ketamine medicine experience 3.) The participant and therapist processing the material and emotions which have arisen during the experience as the participants emerges from the ketamine experience 4.) Integration session.

Ketamine is not a silver bullet. While it can aid in the alleviation of trauma triggers, depressive and anxious symptoms, how one cares for oneself matters a great deal. It is important to take into account awareness practices (meditation, yoga, breath work, etc.), sleep habits, food choices, gut (microbiome) health, and exercise, as well as our involvement in meaningful community. These areas are addressed during the integration process to facilitate beneficial habits. Ayumind offers many classes and forms of integration support as our goal is to help clients reach long term, positive change.

In order to be considered for a Ketamine treatment, a Psychological Intake Assessment will be necessary, and if qualified client will be directed to a medical provider. Please contact us for a free 15 minute consultation.